

This blog may have thing that could spoil the books if you are reading them or haven't read them! Check the title of the post and see if you have read that book! If you haven't, do NOT read that post!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Into the Wild

Into the Wild is about a young cat named Rusty. While hunting, Bluestar sees Rusty and decides that he is the one in the prophecy Spottedleaf gave her, 'Fire alone will save our clan' Because of his fiery pelt. She then sent Greypaw to try to get him to join the clan. Rusty agreed then became Firepaw.

Poll Results

THE VOTES ARE IN!!!!! Everyone said that Hollyleaf shouldn't have died.
Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Poll Results

THE VOTES ARE IN!!!! THE WINNER FOR THE BEST VILLIAN IS........................................................................................TIGERSTAR!!!!!!!!!!! I t was an anonomus vote. 

Poll Results

You voted for the best hero. The winner was Bluestar. I agree with this, and if you disagree, please comment below.