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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bluestar's Prophecy

Bluestar's Prophecy is about Bluestar, she sarts out as a kit and grows up. She has a sister named Snowkit and her mother is named Moonwing.When Bluekit becomes an apprentice, Goosefeather, (Her mom's brother) says that Wind Clan will destroy them. Then the whole clan goes and attacks Wind Clan. Hawkheart, Wind Clan's medicine cat kills Moonwing. When Bluepaw and Snowpaw become Warrors, their names become Bluefur and Snowfur. Snowfur then becomes a queen and has a kit. Her kits name is Whitekit. When Bluefur and Snowfur go take a walk, Snowfur gets run over by a monster! Bluefur then meets Oakfur. Without knowing it, Oakfur becomes her mate. She then has 3 kits, Mistykit, Mosskit and Stonekit. She has to give them up and she gives them to Oakfur. Mosskit dies though. Bluefur then becomes deputy and then, Bluestar!

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